Welcome to APAC Ltd (Archaeological Services)

APAC Ltd is a commercial archaeology company providing a wide range of archaeological and heritage services across Wales, the borders, the West Midlands and the South of England. We undertake projects at all stages of the planning process, including pre-planning applications and also pre-purchase assessments. Our work includes ASIDHOL, (assessments of the significance of the impact of development on the historic landscape), also, assessment of impacts on settings of historic assets, desk-based assessments, evaluations, excavations, field surveys & walkovers, Geophysics, historic building recording, historic impact assessments, historic research and 3D scanning. All of our work is carried out by experienced staff in accordance with the relative standards and guidelines of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA).

Since 2004, APAC Archaeology has been assisting private individuals, architects, construction companies and government bodies with archaeological projects of all sizes; ranging from small domestic developments, historic restoration work, and large housing and environmental projects. We are proud of our reputation for carrying out high-quality work both on time and within budget, using the latest technology and software to produce the most accurate and efficient reports. Whatever your archaeological requirements are, from the preparation of a Written Scheme of investigation, (WSI) to large-scale excavation, etc; our friendly and experienced staff will be only too happy to help your project progress.

APAC Ltd is an archaeological company registered in Wales (No. 05041541).
APAC.Ltd is a member of the Federation of Small Businesses & insured through Towergate.

Archaeological Services Wales, Archaeological Contractor Midlands, Local Archaeologist